Education is enlightenment. A great deal has been preached advocating the essentiality of education but little achieved. Hence Shikshan (শিক্ষণ, i.e. learning, or, teaching). Though a modest initiative in the face of ignorant millions, it has seen unanticipated success over the years and remains our trademark campaign till date, not ceasing to inspire others.
Shikshan was Shibpur Sristi's raison d'être since the very first day and, reasonably enough, it is something to be lauded, for, it adresses the crying need of the country - proper education. The role of education in the shaping of a sensible human mind is universally acknowledged. It should be given to every human being regardless of sex, caste, creed, faith for his own good.
Unfortunately, a large part of society is deprived of education. Under deplorable circumstances, they have to put aside their books and set off to make a living. This continues on for generations and, eventually, they are cut off from the world and its happenings. Shikshan is aimed to meet their requirement by enabling them to study and to arouse their interest through mutual interaction. It is in the midst of mud and mirk that lotus blooms, so who can tell that there is not talent unearthed behind their eager faces?
A meticulously researched survey is executed so as to give ourselves a comprehensive approach to the area in question and its conditions on which to base our work. The report is instrumental to all the parties intent on working in the place. We do not just shrug off our responsibility by supplying them necessary apparatus; We visit them twice or more a year to check on their progress and make arrangements accordingly for subsequent work in the area.
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